We provide extensive treatment for diabetic foot problems, including:
Numbness (parasthesia)
Poor circulation
Inability to care for feet and nails properly
Skin lesions
Foot ulcerations
All newly-diagnosed diabetic patients should receive at least one consultation with one of our registered Chiropodists, even if there are no apparent foot problems. Our approach to diabetic foot health starts with education and prevention, and we can provide most necessary treatments (surgical or functional) and follow-up support.
Call 705-741-4064, or send email to info@healthyfeet.ca, to enquire about diabetic foot care.
Diabetes & Your Feet
People with diabetes can be at high risk of developing foot problems usually relating to three primary factors: neuropathy (loss of sensation), poor circulation, and decreased resistance to infection.
Peripheral neuropathy
Patients, who suffer from neuropathy, find it increasingly difficult to distinguish between hot and cold and dull and sharp, as well as the ability to feel pain and pressure. This could lead to potentially dangerous and undetected injuries for a diabetic. In addition to sensory loss motor control function of muscles can become impaired leading to biomechanical issues. The risks of developing ulcers and infections are significantly increased.
Poor circulation
Poor circulation inhibits the body’s ability to allow adequate blood flow to extremities. Blood carries the necessary oxygen and nutrients necessary to aid in the body’s healing processes as well as keeping those body parts active and healthy.
Decreased resistance to infection
Poor circulation to the feet and legs slow down the healing process when injured. When your wound is not healing, it’s at risk of infection. As a diabetic your infections spread quickly and greatly increase the risks to contract gangrene.
Most of these problems are preventable through proper care and regular visits to your chiropodist. Proactive screening, regular assessment and education are effective measures to detect and help to prevent early foot problems.
At Ashburnham Foot and Ankle Centre our staff will carefully assess the status of your feet and legs to determine if you may be at risk of developing foot complications or if the problem is more advanced, we can provide treatment options that can assist in better management of the disease and reduce complications.
It is recommended that all patients newly-diagnosed with diabetes, patients should receive at least one consultation with a registered Chiropodist or other professional specializing in diabetes and the foot, even if there are no apparent foot problems. Our approach to diabetic foot health starts with education and prevention, and we can provide options as well as and follow-up support.